The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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RDSH - A Mini-Shell to complement the RDY/RDE Ramdisk
RDSH.PRG is a mini-shell, tailored to the quick command line
invocation of RDY/RDE from the desktop. Clearly it is wasteful of time
to enter an elaborate shell like Mark Williams Co's MSH.TOS (or GULAM) if
all we wish to do is load a ramdisk - the ensuing warm-reset would render
all the rehashing normally done on shell-entry a complete waste of time.
This is a quick-loading (it does not hash - though it uses a PATH) very
tiny shell that compiles to about 9 kbytes (and is less than 6 kbytes
when "packed" with the PACK-ICE packer) - so that it becomes feasible to
have multiple copies of it in all work directories on one's hard disk.
This mini-shell has some unique features viz.
Option "U" will update (i.e. touch edit) old "saved" RDY/RDE
ramdisk files so that they become of the "All-TOS" variety. This is
achieved virtually instantaneously - invaluable to those who are
"upgrading" and have many "old" RDY saved installation files.
Option "A" will alter the drive label of a saved ramdisk file
by touch editing (also virtually instantaneously). I, personally, have
long felt the need for this! - as there are many occasions when I wished
to load two ramdisks simultaneously that happened to have been saved with
the same volume_ (or drive)_letter. Also, when I aquired a hard disk
(100 Mbytes), I found that drive_labels C,D,E,F had to be made available
to the latter - and so I had (then) to laboriously convert my RDY
installations that used these labels by loading their contents to a
freshly made (empty) ramdisk (with the new desired drive_label).
With this option the conversion would have been a 5 sec job!
Options "S", "M", "D", "L" and "E" enable quick & economical Command Line
invocation of the usual Save, Make, Drop, List and Load (or Execute).
RDSH does this by searching a PATH for RDE/RDY (endings can be .TTP or
.PRG) - its default "built-in" PATH can be over-rided if it finds
an alternative PATH defined in a file "RDSH.PTH" (which it searches for
in $cwd, then in Root_directory of the current drive and lastly in
C:\) Additionally RDSH can execute other programs found in the same
PATH intelligently i.e. if it finds .PRG in the executable's filename it
executes it under GEM (clears screen, provides background "grey"
with LINEA, activates mouse, disables text-cursor etc.) else it
executes things under TOS. Further (and I "think" this is
novel) - when RDSH "finds" its target "PROGRAM.PRG" in some
directory of the PATH it will "look" to see if there is a "resource"
file, "PROGRAM.RS?" in the same directory, and, if so, will then "pushd"
to that directory before GEM-executing the program. Of course, it
will "popd" back when the child process terminates. Thus the command
would execute (say) "DEGELITE.PRG" in a remote directory and find its
resources etc. and E RDE.PRG would do likewise (except the whole point
of RDSH is to avoid this to gain the extra flexibility of command line
invocation - and, of course, it also would not work because RDY would
"assume" command line invocation as RDSH has set the CMD environment
variable!). It can be advantageous sometimes to make a "dummy" PROG.RS?
file in the remote directory, even though the program uses no resource
files, purely in order to "pushd" to the remote directory.
RDSH can also do other small tasks like filecopying
("C"), renaming ("N"), deletion ("R"), Warmreset ("W"), Coldreset ("C")
and if invoked with no arguments will give a reminder (description) of
its commands an the screen (as shown below).
As can be seen, its features are virtually self-explanatory.
* RDSH - MINI SHELL for Mark Williams Co.'s RDY/RDE RAMDISK Utility *
* PATH may be DEFINED BY "RDSH.PTH" searched for in .,ROOTDIR:,C: *
* [ W. Alan B. Evans <wabe@ukc.ac.uk> Nov 1991 ] *
rdsh (Q)uit; rdsh (H)elp
rdsh (W)arm Reset rdsh (X)Cold Reset
rdsh (P)ATH - shows CURRENT PATH in use rdsh (V)olumes(Drives) List
rdsh (E)xecute [prog_name] <arguments> rdsh (C)opy [file1] [file2]
rdsh (D)rop [DISK] rdsh (R)emove [file(s)]
rdsh (N)ame [Old_File_name] [New_File_name]
rdsh (M)ake [DISK] [SIZE] <BOOT=1{0}> <FILE=file_name{"rd(y/e)disk.prg"}>
rdsh (L)ist <DISK=disk_label{all disks} or FILE=file_name>
rdsh (S)ave [DISK] <file_name{"rd(y/e)disk.prg"}>
rdsh (A)lter drive_label of saved ram_disk_file [FILENAME] [NEW_DRIVE_LABEL]
rdsh (U)pdate old RDY/RDE Ramdisk_Files to "ALL-TOS" [RAMDISK_FILENAME{S}]
Nb: DEFAULTS are in {...}
RDSH COMMAND: u d:\sign_ram.prg
RDSH COMMAND: a d:\sign_ram.prg i
Note the first command shown entered would update an old saved RDY
file called SIGN_RAM.PRG on D:\ to the "All-Tos" Format. For this to work,
it is ESSENTIAL that such files have NOT been "packed" (with PFXPAK or the
like). The next command changes the Volume Label of the stored File to I:\
from whatever it was initially - a message will inform you. The last
command makes a ramdisk G:\ with a (default) "floppy" FAT structure i.e. 5
sectors per FAT with 12-bit FAT entries. Such a disk's contents can be
quickly transferred to Floppy (or vici-versa) using a sector copier like
DFT.PRG (part of DFSUITE2 - available from Atari Archive).
W. Alan B. Evans, [wabe@ukc.ac.uk]
Physics Laboratory,
University of Kent,
Kent, CT2 7NR, U.K.